Enthusiasm on fire

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live your life with enthusiasm, love and joy in your steps?

Imagine that you love every part of you – whether it’s your greying hair, a tiny pillow of fat, your baritone voice, your loudness or even your quietness, your smile – unconditionally.

I believe that enthusiasm is not just a momentary feeling, but a deep, permanent state that is the engine of our lives.

It is this feeling that gives us the strength to face our challenges and difficulties, our sorrows, and to persevere towards our goals.

But how can you achieve and maintain this fiery enthusiasm, how can you cultivate the love and affection you have for yourself and others (other things too), and how can you become the hero ofyour own life every day?

Your pleasure comes first. Everyone is responsible for their own happiness. If you create your own happiness, and do what brings you joy, then others will also enjoy being with you.

I think it all starts with acceptance … accepting who I am, what I am, accepting that I have desires, that I have goals, that I may have a different point of view than the overwhelming majority. I accept that I am different and I am good as I am because I am wonderful. 🙂

So true self-love begins with acceptance. Learn to enjoy every part of you, because you are your own greatest treasure. Finding a balance between body and mind is essential to keep your enthusiasm in the face of any challenge. When you truly love yourself, you honour not only yourself, but your soul, which becomes enthusiastic and full of life. We must also take care of our souls, not just our bodies.

I sometimes think back to what I longed for when there was nothing at stake… when I was just living in the world, with no money, no position… just being, daydreaming, planning, looking. I often recall thoughts from that time, because the core of my soul, my higher self, was still functioning then, but much more freely, because there were no conventions, no limits, no expectations.

And then there are the our goals and the our passions is… Real enthusiasm comes from the goals and passions that are close to our hearts. Set realistic* yet challenging goals and celebrate each step you take towards them. This steady progress will not only motivate you, it will also be a source of joy that will fuel your enthusiasm in the long run and feel good for the soul. These can be small things, and of course they can be big things. To each his own 🙂

But the word itself is so beautiful: Passion . The feeling alone inspires us to give ourselves with total dedication and all our energy, to put ourselves out there so that nothing will stop us. But don’t just be committed and passionate about others. For yourself too.

You know, when you were a teenager and you were in love and you did all the stupid things, you would go on the road anytime to see him just for a moment. We should feel the same way about ourselves. If you want something, then don’t let anyone stop you, ever. It sounds strange to be in love with yourself, but try it, it’s wonderful. (and then I wonder why they called me conceited… 😀 – I was only outraged for a few minutes, but there’s something in it, but that’s fine)

And since man is a social being even introverts…. the people around us do influence our level of enthusiasm. Meet people who share your passions and support you. People who smile, laugh, rejoice, celebrate. Positive, inspiring relationships (be it family, friends, love) are a real source of strength and help keep us motivated and enthusiastic even in the toughest times. You’ve probably noticed that when you’re in an environment where people talk over each other, are negative, can’t be happy, it can get to you and you find yourself starting to be something you don’t want to be. But it does stick. Although it is not always possible to avoid these encounters, we should still try to protect ourselves from these influences. Spend more time with people you feel comfortable with, who make you feel good. Because you can do that too! 🙂

And then there’s the present is. In combining enthusiasm and self-love, it is important to be fully immersed in the present (the flow). This practice helps us to notice the small beauties in life, whether it is a sound, a smell or a feeling. This state of mindfulness helps us to fully experience life and appreciate every moment of it. Here again, there’s no need to think big. For example, I often put on one of my favourite tunes while I’m working, get up from my chair, dance and sing for a few minutes, and then go back to work… Why? Because in those few minutes I am really present, really alive. And it didn’t cost me anything, I didn’t have to cancel a meeting or postpone a project, it was less time than a coffee+cigarette break. It just was, and it was just for me. I used to give it to myself.

Now for one of the most important things, the courage . I am simply fascinated by brave people, heroes. And let’s not just think of the heroes who run into a burning house to save people, but also of those who stand up for others, who stand up for themselves, who dare to take a stand for what they stand for, who dare to make decisions that many people fear (because then they will not, say, live up to society’s expectations). Let’s say I do it as a sport, I really enjoy the situations where I have to be brave, it makes me feel strong, I love it. When I have to get involved in something (be it any unpleasant or difficult situation) – especially for others, my blood pressure, which is otherwise dangerously low, rises, I think I even grow a few centimetres, and everything that can move the situation forward just comes pouring out of me.

So I admire anyone who can do it at a much higher level than that. People who dare to put themselves in situations, who dare to say what would make them feel good, who dare to say what they feel, who dare to step forward and backward… who dare to live. Of course, it doesn’t come from the hip, because our minds are constantly weighing us up, but if we try, that’s something. In fact, if we dare to be brave in our own field, in our own life (it’s easy to get cold feet in your neighbour’s life), that’s real courage.

You can start small. But take a risk for your cause.

Dare to feel, dare to choose, dare to rejoice… because we are finally alive, if not to do well for ourselves and for those we love?

If you are not happy, you cannot make others happy. Because it’s no good being with you, it’s as simple as that.

Wherever you are… and whatever is behind you, you always have the opportunity to make a conscious decision to change your mindset and with it your life. To finally dare to be enthusiastic, dare to be happy because there is always something to be happy about. (for example, I’m happy that the birds are chirping as I write, great!) There is no such thing as a hopeless situation. We just don’t see the solutions right away. But…

You are the creator of your own destiny. You are the scriptwriter. You make up the story. You turn the pen, and the result is always up to you. Even if you blame it on others. You can also decide that you’ll be fine. You can also decide that it’s good for others to be connected to you. You can decide. You can allow yourself to decide.

Don’t delay…! Stop fussing! Do not doubt! If the opportunity, the impulse, the instinct is there, act! That’s your job.

Courage! 🙂

I’ve put some of my favourite tunes at the end, in case you’re in the mood to get off your butt 😉

“Cheap Thrills” (salsa version) / Jay Lugo – Una Noche Mas (feat. Tito Nieves, MANDINGA, Surbana)
The Baseballs – Umbrella (official Video)
I’ll Build A Stairway To Paradise – Rufus Wainwright (The Aviator Soundtrack)
Billy Ocean – When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going (Official Video)
The Jewel Of The Nile – Precious Wilson – The Jewel Of The Nile
Twist And Shout (Cover By The Vamps)
Back to the Future – The Power of Love – Huey Lewis and the News
Belinda Carlisle – Heaven is a Place on Earth (The Prince’s Trust Concert 1988) HD
Tom Swoon – Shingaling (Official Music Video)
Hungry Eyes (Eric Carmen); Cover by Beatrice Florea (Shut Up & Kiss Me)
Berlin Wedding Songs Money Heist Ti amo + Centro di Gravità with translation
