From fantasy to reality

Today I celebrate my 33rd birthday. birthday, and on this special occasion I look back over the years. From the vivid fantasies of my childhood, when I wanted to be a time traveller or a demon hunter, to today, when I have a real career and passions. In this personal story I share how my dreams have changed over the years and how I have found my own way in reality. Watch with me as we shape and reinterpret our life stories over time. An inspiring story of how my childhood dreams turned into a real passion and career.

Today is my birthday-pom-pom-pom… And I turned 33!

To mark the occasion, I took an hour last night to look back over the past 33 years… if I’m going by such a cool number.

I had a very vivid imagination even as a child and I was quite a child to myself. When I was a kid, I often wondered what I would be when I grew up… of course, I loved movies even then and luckily I developed a good taste for them quite early on. I went from Tom and Jerry to Tim Burton, for example. Of course, we could go into deep psychological analyses, but who doesn’t like that, right? 🙂

So yesterday I took stock of what my plans were for my adult life, my career, my life:

I was planning to be a time traveller.

The vehicle wasn’t so important, DeLorean or Tardis, I didn’t work out the details, but I would have loved to have been taken on very exciting adventures in different eras with exciting people.

Then I remembered when my Constantine period hit…

…why not be a demon hunter? I could fight evil, become a hero, save people (I was thinking specifically of their souls when I was 10), while looking very cool and it’s okay if I smoke a pack of cigarettes, because my good deeds will save me and I’ll show them to the devil. (I added a little bit of Matrix to it, so I have extra abilities besides fighting demons)

Right after my Constantine phase came Indiana Jones

Once again, the adventurer, the traveller with a love of history, secrets, treasures, mysteries, discoveries, endlessly funny, clever and brave…

Then came (I was a teenager here) the Roman Polański era.

Well, I don’t really need to go into that, whatever mistakes could be made I made, not always very gracefully, but that’s what this period was about and I welcome every minute of it to this day.

Then I started working, and since then there has been no stopping me. Of course I do what I like, I live the life I want, I’m free and content… but I’m not hunting demons 🙂

But it’s very interesting, I started this summary yesterday, a little bit bitter, and by the end of it I was just smiling.

I don’t have a time machine, but I am constantly analysing the past, reflecting, planning for the future, innovating and hoping to influence the process. I make data-driven decisions, I have the past, the present, the future in front of me, I’m always summing up, and not just in business. I take a holistic view and see time differently than most people. I could say that I don’t look at time in a linear way. I believe that we can influence events backwards, not just forwards. Just think, over time, the past becomes more beautiful, easier. So, time travel, did it work? You bet!

The demons… my own, others… saving myself and others, encouraging them… I think anyone who knows me well knows, whether you are a co-worker, friend or acquaintance, that I hunt demons and I am not afraid of them. 🙂

Indiana Jones, history, travel, adventure. I wouldn’t tell you much here either, anyone who follows me can see that what you can see of the world is on my bucket list and I’m putting the tickers in order. For example, the next destination is Mexico on the Day of the Dead. I want to celebrate life, this life, the last life, the next life, preferably with a feast in a Mexican cemetery, in a snow-white dress, with fancy hair ornaments.

Here I would like to take this opportunity to share one of my favourite Frida Kahlo quotes (there was such an era but if I listed everything I would run out of character 🙂 )

“At the end of the day, we can take a lot more than we think.”

Frida Kahlo

It’s just a little bonus, thank God it’s not true for me, (of course there was an example, but I was luckier) but it’s iconic:

“I have had two accidents in my life. One was the tram and the other was Diego. Diego was much worse.”

Frida Kahlo

So, that’s all you would have arrived at – welcome 33. I think it’s the right direction.

And then anything could happen, I could be the next Zuckerberg, but I could also go mad. I can be a painter, a writer, a mortal… I can be a mother, I can be a child.

PS: Then, if the technology were to develop in my lifetime to make time travel possible (if only wired at the level of our minds, just by streaming data), I’d certainly be among the first applicants. 😉

Thank you for your attention!
