As leaders, as people, the most important thing is to understand and support each other. The paradise of our lives truly begins here on Earth, and I believe we can create it.
7 inspiring questions for year-end introspection – and life
Year-end introspection – Recharge your life!
Get ready for the new year with a deep introspection! What goals have you achieved this year? What were the moments that made you really happy? It’s time to discover and reassess!
Forbes MAKERS: A Day for Myself – Identity, Honesty, Authenticity and Fulfillment
🔥 Are you stuck in everyday life and feel you have lost your commitment to yourself? Are things piling up and you start to forget why you’re really doing it? Want to find your identity and authenticity again?
🌟 How can you find your way again in a noisy world that often obscures (filters) the truth?
How can you become the MASTER of your own life and experience living for yourself, every day?