It’s (still) 2024, Christmas is over, but the magic of fairy tales is still in the air. How is it possible that a Disney film or a fairytale story can still touch us adults? Why don’t we get bored? Why can’t we say “enough with the fairy tales”? Well, because there is something about these stories that keeps them relevant, something that never leaves us, even when we are adults.
Today, as an adult, I look at fairy tales with the same sparkling eyes I did when I was a little girl. My love of fairy tales has not only not diminished, but has only grown stronger, and with luck, this passion will never die. Because if I lost the magic of fairy tales, it would mean that my heart had grown cold. And that’s a thought I don’t like to indulge in, because fairy tales always give me new energy, a new perspective and encouragement that anything is possible if you believe in it.

So why should we love fairy tales as adults? Why is it worth reliving those magical moments when little girls and boys’ eyes widen as their heroes have great adventures? Why is it that stories such as The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin and Tarzan all stick with us in some way, and even years later we can still feel the special something they convey as adults?
First, there is the magic. Not just under the Christmas tree, but deep in our souls. Fairy tales teach us that anything is possible if we persevere, if we believe, if we are brave enough to fight for our dreams. We may not meet real fairies, talking cups or mermaids, but every moment in a fairy tale is about something that seems out of reach suddenly becoming reality. Who wouldn’t want to relive the feeling of being a child and becoming the hero of a fairy tale, living and creating the greatest wonders?
And then there is that certain nostalgia that fairy tales bring. We adults who are past the innocence of childhood are still looking for a handhold, something to hold on to, something to provide a safe point in a world we often find too serious and difficult. Fairy tales provide just that: a magical, colourful haven where the world is always a little better, hearts are pure, and everything falls into place in the end. It’s true that in the adult world, reality isn’t always as pretty as we’d like it to be, but why not dream a little when our lives are already serious and challenging enough?
The motivation is there in the stories, and it always comes back to us. Mulan, who overcomes the biggest obstacles on her own path, or Elsa, who learns to master her own strength – each of their stories is an example of how we can achieve great things if we trust ourselves.
And why shouldn’t we believe in ourselves, when fairy tales teach us that our greatest strength comes not from outside, but from within?
Stories like Beauty and the Beast have life lessons to teach. It is a tale about how true beauty lies not in appearance, but in how we love and accept others. The relationship between Belle and the Beast is the best example of how great things happen when we look not for the good in our outward appearance, but in our hearts. And as adults, we discover that the real magic of love lies in acceptance, in to see beauty where others would not look.
And the story of The Little Mermaid is about how love and dreams are worth the greatest sacrifices. Ariel, who risked everything to be with the prince, is a heroine who reminds us that sometimes, to achieve our greatest desires, we have to let go of what we have known. Because the desires of our hearts will always be stronger than our fears, if we are ready to fight for them.
And Aladdin, the poor boy who pretends to be a wealthy prince with the help of a magic lantern, but eventually discovers that happiness comes not from appearances but from love and honesty. Aladdin is a tale of hope, of how anyone can change their destiny if they believe. And we adults, who struggle every day to find our place in the world, can learn the greatest lesson of all from this tale: always believe in your own potential.
And let’s not forget Tarzan, who grew up in the jungle but managed to find his place in the new world. Tarzan’s story is one of resilience and acceptance: he learns that you don’t have to know everything to be happy. As adults, we are often faced with new challenges and changes, but Tarzan’s story teaches us that if we believe in ourselves and accept new situations, we can always adapt.
So why should we love fairy tales as adults? Because a story like this can help us get through challenges, add colour to grey days and make us realise that happiness is not always a distant goal, but lies in the simple things. Fairy tales help us to see that whatever life’s situations we find ourselves in, we can always find new opportunities if we are open to the miraculous.
So, dear adults, let’s not forget that we deserve the magic too. Yes, even after Christmas. After all, why not still believe in fairy tales?
(these wonderful photos are a tribute to the work of graphic designer Jirka Vinse Jonatan Väätäinen )

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