I am delighted to announce that I have become a member of the Forbes Business Club, where leaders of the country’s top businesses and renowned professionals like Viktor Lénárt learn and grow together. Knowledge sharing and practical business solutions are at the heart of this inspiring community.

I won a place in the Forbes Business Club!
It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I share with you that I have become a member of the Forbes Business Club!
Why I thought it was important to join a business community, in thisin this article.
It’s not just a club, but a supportive community where leaders from the country’s top businesses meet to think together, solve their dilemmas, learn and grow.
In the club, renowned experts in leadership and organisational development, such as Viktor Lénárt, and owners of iconic businesses in the country help us to grow together. Forbes Business Club is not just a network, it’s a community where we can learn from each other.
“I see an extensive network of elite leaders… where together we grow and become better people and leaders.”
Viktor Lénárt, the club’s chief organisational developer, says
And I am proud to be part of this community now!
The founding members of the club, such as Károly Gerendai, Zoltán Gazsi, Szabina Tomán and many others, are leaders who, like me, believe in knowledge sharing and continuous learning. So I am in the best possible place!
Why is it for me?
Because the Forbes Business Club programme is practical and purposeful. It not only inspires, but also offers its members concrete tools and methods. Members, speakers and consultants work together on current issues in the business world, whether it’s technology development, recruitment, strategy alignment or corporate culture.
Thanks again to the Forbes Business Club for this opportunity! I am happy to be part of this inspiring community!
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