Create exciting videos for your content in minutes, Stand Out from the Crowd!

Show yourself, your content, visually
You know, quite often I stumble across some ingenious digital gadget that brings a new colour to my clients’ (and of course my own) marketing processes, or just simply spices things up. These include image scalers, dictation software, AI stuff – image generators, hashtag generators, SEO plugins – and all the magic tools that let you optimise your content for any social platform with a click.
So, sometimes I just surf the internet, find something cool, and boom, an hour or two disappears before I try it. But, well, party first, right? Hand over a Hell, grab the remaining 1kg of snipe sugar, and let’s get this party started! Only then do I start to incorporate it into my processes, see what it does, how I can optimise it, save time, etc.
Now, listen, what I found tonight (about an hour ago) is something brutally good: the Magic Media app from Canva. Seriously, brilliant! You just type in what you want to see in video format and bam, in a minute you have a super short video. Sure, there was some goofing around, but let me give you an example that is sure to make the animals fall. Inspired by a holiday in the Maldives last year – not that I was floundering on the beach like that, although that was about the case in Thailand a few years ago… 😂
“A sunset over the ocean (Maldives) in the style of professional cinematography, natural light, while a woman in business clothes and high heels is sitting on the beach, drinking cocktail and hold also a laptop and working very hard. The scene is romantic and funny, the woman has long hair and white business suite.”
(you can also enter a command in English, but if you enter it in English, I’ve found that the results are more relevant)
Imagine how cool it is to be able to spice up your articles, posts or any of your content with custom-made, one-of-a-kind videos… You can show what you’re talking about, make it visual! And all for a few thousand forints Canva subscription… It’s done in a few minutes, and you don’t need to be a video producer, graphic designer, spend a lot of money or hours. I bet your competitors aren’t using this AI wonder yet… no way, because it’s as fresh as breakfast pastry. So, if I can help, let me know! 😉
Why is it good?
Because you’ll stand out from the crowd, your content will be more exciting and, well, it’s fun to make videos. (although I had a version that there was a cat in a wedding dress in this video… 😅)
Aletta Nagy-Kozma
Aletta Focus Marketing
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